What is Webcast?
Patty's Webcast is a cost effective way for educational communities to view Patty's WOMEN OF AMERICAN HISTORY performances. Through On DEMAND technology (like Netflix, Hulu, etc), Patty is now offering her shows over the Internet so you can show them to the students through distance learning on your schedule! This gives educators across the country the opportunity to present a different woman in American history anytime and tie it to the required curriculum.
When you purchase a show it can be viewed by students on their home computer screens through the host's screen share. Each purchase allows two views (partial or full), on up to two different devices.
For the past 20 years, Patty has traveled throughout New England, the East Coast and Midwest bringing her one-woman history musicals to schools, libraries, historical societies and museums. The "This Old Hat, Women of American History" series won the Daughters of the American Revolution" Nutmeg Award for Outstanding Historical Presentation.
It's Easy!
1) Select a Webcast below.
2) Pay online with PayPal or credit card
3) Get a password and click PLAY!
Individual Shows
$5 per show
2 views (full or partial)
Playlist Packages
$15 for 4 shows.
2 views of each show (full or partial)
Coming Soon!
Patty's Webcast
Call 860-767-5068
to pay with a credit card
Click below to pay with PayPal
It is HIGHLY recommended that you use Firefox or Chrome as your browser to watch the videos.
Video streaming gets best results if you use a hard wired internet connection.

Betsy Ross, Women in American History
Patriots of Liberty is a one-woman tour de force musical presentation where four noted women of American History are portrayed. This Old Hat is an original musical that brings the following women of American History to life: Betsy Ross tells her unique story about the first American flag; Deborah Sampson tells of her adventures when she disguised herself as a man to fight in the Revolutionary War; Elizabeth Cady Stanton speaks of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, women’s dress reform and her contemporary, Harriet Tubman; Amelia Earhart tells the story of her solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
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